Matt LaBrie

Matt LaBrie

Matt LaBrie, President and Managing Broker for LYNX Property Management, Inc., brings twenty years of commercial management experience to the LYNX team. His passion for Santa Barbara, its culture, history, inhabitants and the buildings they occupy, stems from three familial generations of local investment, design, development and management that have shaped his approach and effectiveness in the real estate field.

In addition to being a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management, Matt also holds a general contractor’s license giving his management and leadership a distinct advantage in the market place. His experiences managing tenant build-outs and contracting commercial and residential projects, contributes to the LYNX team’s operation and oversight of every property under management.

Feeling a keen sense of civic duty, Matt has made it a priority to be immersed in the community. As an elected Executive Officer and board member of Downtown Santa Barbara, and a Santa Barbara City Council appointed Parking Committee Member, Matt works to influence the vibrancy and health of Santa Barbara. Matt also serves on the board of Garden Court Inc. and supports such efforts as Providence HallNetwork Medical, and Angels Foster Care. Matt graduated from Westmont College class of 93’ and enjoys mentoring students and giving back to his alma mater. He is involved in leadership at Santa Barbara Community Church, and is a dedicated husband and father of five.

CA Real Estate Broker License #012786544

Contractor Lic #754731

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